Archive | March 2020

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Metallopolymers work out in Macromolecules

Former postdoc Yuval Vidavsky and current Phd student Michael Buche’s combined experimental and DFT study on metallopolymers is now out in Macromolecules. This work, which was co-advised by Prof Robert DiStasio from Cornell’s chemistry department, introduces the idea of using neutral nitrogen-based ligands to modulate the stiffness, strength, and reversibility of metal-coordination bond-based crosslinks and thereby […]

Two new collaborative publications

Two papers are now available online: The first, in Chemical Science, led by Stephanie Rosenbloom from Prof Brett Fors’ group is titled “Tailor-made thermoplastic elastomers: customizable materials via modulation of molecular weight distributions”.This is part of our ongoing collaboration with the Fors group on the mechanical properties of tailored polymers. The second, in Frontiers in Chemistry, […]