Archive | August 2020

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Congratulations to recent MMD graduates!

Congratulations to Allison Rzepka and Prathamesh Raiter for completing their bachelors and masters degrees respectively in Materials Science and Engineering! In her undergraduate thesis, Allison devised a procedure for depositing liquid metal capsules onto performance fabrics such that they could be stretch-activated into electrically conductive materials (side note: thank you Air Force Research Lab collaborators […]

New publication in Soft Matter Emerging Investigators Issue 2021

Check out our new paper (led by PhD candidate Xinyue(Joy) Zhang! This work aims to isolate the effect of transient metal–ligand crosslinking on the viscoelasticity of polymer networks. A systematic study combining both experimental results and theoretical verification was carried out through a carefully designed system that has no physical entanglements or phase separation. Also, […]